Tagged: surrendering body

Horny Masturbation By Sexy Teen

Horny Masturbation By Sexy Teen

It started with fox trot
And then the pace got hot.
He swept her off her feet
Amidst impassioned heat….

He took her to the skies
With bliss between her thighs,
Then let her gently down
While near lay her ball gown.

She was left wanting more
Of him within her core
And longing for next chance
When with him she would dance.

It’s quite a seasonal contrast:
Inside and outside your surrendering body;
One place is chill, wrapped in winter’s embrace
And the other is inescapably warm and gripping,
Tightening with each thrust and spreading, ready
For the next lunge, eager to accept fate,
Campaigning to keep the winter air
And the hoar frosts at bay.

Horny Masturbation By Sexy Teen